バルタザール&ハピ外伝 許し難き行い Black Market Scheme
Todo 黒鷲のEP. 11でプレイ
It seems Hapi has gone missing. Following a tip from Balthus, your search leads you to the black market in Enbarr.
バルタザール: おーい、お前。ハピを見なかったか?
Balthus: Hey, pal. Any idea where Hapi is?
Choice 1: ハピ? No clue.
バルタザール: ああ。見てなさそうだな。ってことはやっぱ……
Balthus: Right. This is bad. Real bad.
Choice 2: 見ていない I haven't seen her.
バルタザール: そうか。ってことはやっぱ……
Balthus: Huh. This is bad. Real bad.
Byleth: やっぱり? What's bad?
バルタザール: いや、実はな。
Balthus: It's nothing. Well... OK, fine. If you insist, I'll tell you what's happened.
Thing is...a box was delivered yesterday. Filled with feathers. Pricey ones. For bedding.
Hapi loves a good nap, so she climbed on in. Now she and the box are nowhere to be found.
I checked with my merchant contacts. Turns out it was taken to Enbarr to be sold...on the black market.
You catch what I'm throwing, yeah? Hapi was fast asleep in the thing when it was stolen...
Choice 1: 勘違いでは That can't be true.
バルタザール: 勘違いだったらいいんだが……あいつはそういう奴なんだ。
Balthus: Oh, but it can. That's Hapi for you.
Choice 2: あり得る…… That sounds completely believable.
バルタザール: ああ。あいつはそういう奴なんだ。
Balthus: Thanks. I mean, yeah. That's Hapi for you.
バルタザール: 日の入りと共に眠っちまえば、日の出まで目を覚まさねえ。
Balthus: She runs like clockwork, that one. Goes to bed at sunset and won't wake up until sunrise.
If we don't go and find her, something terrible could happen.
One sigh and a demonic beast could come barreling through town...
Byleth: 事実ならまずい If that were true, that would be bad.
バルタザール: だろ? 急いで後を追うつもりだが、一緒に来てくれねえか?
Balthus: Right! Way I see it, I have no choice but to rush off and rescue her. You in?
Choice 1: 任せてくれ I'm in.(外伝戦闘へ) (Begin Paralogue battle)
バルタザール: 頼りになるなあ、お前は。そしたらとっとと出るぜ!
Balthus: Heh, knew I could count on you! Let's get to it.
Choice 2: いや、やはり勘違いでは(準備に戻る) I'm out. (Return to previous screen)
バルタザール: おおい、ここまで来て梯子を外すか。まあいい……気が変わったら言ってくれ。
Balthus: You're really going to abandon her? Didn't think you had it in ya. If you change your mind, just holler.
City Streets (Enbarr, the Imperial Capital)
バルタザール: さあて、着いたな。ハピはどこだ?
Balthus: Finally, we're here.
Now where's Hapi? We've gotta find her before that box is sold...
Let's split up and search the town. We'll cover more ground that way.
Byleth: 見つからない…… Still no sign of her...
バルタザール: ああ、見つからねえな。どこにいんのか……うげっ!
Balthus: I know. Where in the hell could she―Gah!
ハピ: バールートー!? ありえなくない?ハピ、激怒したし。
Hapi: I can't believe you, B! Well, I can, but that doesn't make me any less angry.
バルタザール: お、おう、待て、聞いてくれ。これには主もお赦しになる深いわけがあってだな……
Balthus: Whoa, easy there! I have a good reason. Trust me.
ハピ: 主が赦してもハピが許さないじゃん。人をダシにして……ホンット最悪!
Hapi: Don't even try to weasel your way out of this. Ooh, you're the worst!
Choice 1: いったい何が……? What's going on?
ハピ: ハピ、フツーに地下にいたのに勝手にさらわれたことになってたんだよ?
Hapi: Don't ask me. I was just relaxing in Abyss, and when I came to the surface, everyone was gone.
When I heard he was dragging you here I nearly threw a fit!
Choice 2: 見つかって良かった I'm glad we found you.
ハピ: 見つかるも何も、ハピ、地下にいたし。バルトがここに来る口実に使われたんだよ?
Hapi: You didn't need to find me. I was relaxing in Abyss. He made up that story as an excuse to drag you here.
Choice 3: 確かに最悪だ He's the actual worst.
バルタザール: お前はまだ何も聞いちゃいねえだろ。いや、確かに最悪なんだけどよ。
Balthus: You don't even know what I did yet. Not that you're wrong, but still.
バルタザール: 悪かったから、まずは説明を聞いてくれ。どうしてもここに来る必要があったんだ。
Balthus: Look, I may be a scoundrel, but I stand by what I did. Let me explain.
I got a tip-off that an item was being sold on the black market today. Not just any item. My mom's―
ごろつき: てめえらか!俺らの市を荒そうっていう連中は!
Rogue: There you are! How dare you interfere with our business!
ごろつき: こそこそ嗅ぎ回りやがって~!全員、生きて帰れねえと思いやがれ~!
Rogue: You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. You're finished!
バルタザール: ……話は後か。悪いがこいつらをぶっ飛ばすまでは付き合ってくれ。
Balthus: We'll continue story time later. First, I'll need your help clearing out these thugs.
オックス男爵: 目的のものは手に入れた……。これがあれば、我が娘が……!
Baron Ochs: We got what we came for. With this, my sweet daughter will finally―
従者: はい、必ずやお嬢様を救えましょう!急ぎ領地に……
Attendant: Yes... The young mistress will finally be safe again. Let's return home at once!
But first... Oh dear, it seems some thieves are causing trouble in town.
オックス男爵: な、何だ! 賊か?これだけは守り切らねば……!
Baron Ochs: Thieves?! Goddess, no... We must hold on to our treasure!
バルタザール: そうだ、一つだけ言っておく。
Balthus: There's just one thing you need to remember, yeah?
If you see anyone with something that looks like a Hero's Relic, grab it.
You already know this, but it would get real bad real quick if we let them run wild with that thing.
ハピ: 英雄の遺産……?何でそんなものが闇市に!?
Hapi: Wait a second. How did a Hero's Relic end up being sold on the black market?!
ごろつき: 逃がさないぜ。目撃者には消えてもらう!
Rogue: You're not going anywhere. Can't leave any witnesses alive!
ごろつき: ここを通りたきゃ払うもん払いな!てめえらの命だよ!
Rogue: Gotta pay the toll if you wanna pass. The blood toll! Hahaha!
盗賊: 狙いは何だ! お宝か!?くそっ、おれたちが先に……!
Thief: What's the goal? Treasure? Damn it, we've got to get there first!
闇商人: あんたらみたいなのがいたら、商売あがったりなんだよねえ!
Dark Merchant: All this fighting is ruining our business!
ごろつき: くそう、好き放題暴れやがって!絶対に逃がすなあ!!
Rogue: They're fighting back! Don't let them get away!
vs Baron Ochs
オックス男爵: き、貴様ら、近寄るな!こうなってはこの力を使うしか……!
Baron Ochs: Don't come any closer! If you do, I will have no choice but to unleash this power upon you!
バルタザール: やめろ!そいつは英雄の遺産と同じシロモノだ!
Balthus: Easy there, buddy. Danger wise, that thing's on par with a Hero's Relic!
If you don't have a Crest, you'll turn into a hideous monster!
オックス男爵: うるさい!娘のためなら命など惜しくもない……!
Baron Ochs: You can't scare me! No price is too high to save my precious daughter!
オックス男爵: 何の恨みもないが……許せ、家族のためなのだ!
Baron Ochs: I harbor no ill will. All I ask for is forgiveness, for the sake of my house!
バルタザール: 何度言やあわかるんだ。それを使っちゃならねえ!
Balthus: Read my lips, guy. I can't let you use that thing.
オックス男爵: では、見逃してくれると?できないならば選択肢などない!
Baron Ochs: Can you not turn a blind eye for a man in need?! If not... I fear you have left me no choice!
バルタザール: できねえな。どうにかなっちまう前にぶっ倒してやるよ。
Balthus: Yeah. Not gonna happen.
オックス男爵: あ、貴方は……殿下!?ご容赦くだされ! 今だけは……!
Baron Ochs: Your Highness! Please, have mercy. I beg of you!
エーデルガルト: オックス男爵……?もしや貴方の事情というのは……。
Edelgard: Baron Ochs. Explain yourself.
オックス男爵: 今、申せることはないのです!通らせていただきます!
Baron Ochs: There's no time! Please, you must allow me to pass!
オックス男爵: ぐ、ぐおお、ぐあああアアアアア!?
Baron Ochs: I... No... Graaaargh!
ハピ: げ……ほんとに化け物になったし。バルトはあれが必要だったわけ?
Hapi: Yikes... You weren't kidding about the hideous monster thing. Is that what you were looking for, B?
バルタザール: ああ、そうだ……。
Balthus: That's it, all right.
vs 愴魔獣
バルタザール: 駄目だったか……せめてもの手向けだ。ここで終わらせてやる。
Balthus: At least I tried. All I can do now is end this quickly.
ハピ: やめてよ、そんな声聞きたくない。何もできなくて……ごめんね。
Hapi: Ugh, that horrible sound... I can't stand it. I'm sorry we let this happen.
オックス男爵: 我が娘……モニ……
Baron Ochs: Forgive me, my daughter... Monica...
バルタザール: ……ままならねえもんだな。まあいい。これは取り戻した。
Balthus: Nothing more you can do, pal. At least we got it back.
I know I owe you and Hapi an apology. So, uh... I'm sorry. Really sorry. Mean that.
ハピ: キミにも何か事情ありそうだし、帰ったら聞かせてよ。話はそっからじゃん。
Hapi: I'm sure you had your reasons. When we get back, you better explain what the heck those reasons were.
Entrance Hall
ハピ: それで、この遺産?は何なの?
Hapi: So what's the story with this Hero's Relic?
バルタザール: 厳密には“英雄の遺産”じゃねえんだ。
Balthus: It's not exactly a real Relic, per se.
Byleth: 遺産ではない? It's not?
バルタザール: ああ。英雄戦争より後の時代に、遺産を真似て造られた武具……
Balthus: Nope. It's a replica. Crafted after the War of Heroes.
It's a secret family heirloom of sorts from my mom's village.
Somehow, word of it got out recently. As happens with valuable things, it was stolen soon after.
ハピ: だから闇市に出るって話を聞いて、凶行に及んだわけね。
Hapi: So when you heard it might be on the black market, you tricked others into helping you steal it by telling them I'd been kidnapped.
バルタザール: 凶行って……根に持ってやがんな。このとおり謝るから、機嫌直してくれよ。
Balthus: You're still mad, yeah? Look, I'm sorry. OK? There. You can go ahead and cheer up now.
I only did it because if they turned into monsters, there was a chance I couldn't take 'em on my own.
Couldn't risk telling you the truth. If the church had caught wind, they'd have taken it for themselves.
ハピ: バルトのくせに意外と考えてるじゃん。それで回りくどいことをやったわけね。
Hapi: How uncharacteristically wise of you, B. So that's why you felt a need for this bizarre scheme.
バルタザール: お前も、頼む。利用してすまなかった。
Balthus: Oh, and, Professor. Guess I owe you an apology too. Sorry. Shouldn't have done you like that.
Choice 1: 許そう You're forgiven.
ハピ: んー、ハピもまあいいよ。お母さんの一族のためなんだし。
Hapi: I guess if Chatterbox can forgive you, I can too. You were doing it for your family, after all.
Choice 2: まだ根に持っている I'm still mad.
ハピ: まーいいんじゃない?お母さんの一族のためなんだしさ。
Hapi: Maybe we should cut him some slack, Chatterbox. He was doing it for his family. That's kinda sweet.
ハピ: あの貴族のおっさんも……なんか話通じる感じじゃなかったしね。
Hapi: What was up with that noble guy, though? He didn't seem interested in hearing what we had to say.
バルタザール: ああ、そうだな。何でこんなもん欲しがったのか……
Balthus: Yeah, good point. I wonder why he wanted this thing to begin with.
全学級 EP.10の時
青獅子、金鹿 EP.11の時
エーデルガルト: ………………
全ルートEP.9以前 、または黒鷲 EP.11
エーデルガルト: これは推測でしかないけれど……娘のためだと思うわ。
Edelgard: I don't know for certain, but it's likely he wanted that item for his daughter.
The man in question is Baron Ochs. He is a minor noble from the west of the Empire.
エーデルガルト: オックス男爵が亡くなったそうね。彼の話をしているのでしょう?
Edelgard: It seems Baron Ochs has passed away. That's who you're referring to, I presume?
ハピ: あ、ガーティ?もしかして事情知ってる感じ?
Hapi: Eddy. Do you know why he was after this thing?
エーデルガルト: 推測でしかないけれどね。おそらくは……娘のためよ。
Edelgard: I can't say for certain, but it's possible he wanted that item for his daughter.
EP.9 以前共通
エーデルガルト: 彼の娘は去年から行方不明になっていて……つい先日、見つかったわ。モニカのことよ。
Edelgard: His daughter Monica went missing last year. She was found only recently.
黒鷲 EP.11
エーデルガルト: 彼の娘は去年から行方不明になっていて……おそらくもう死んでいるわ。
ハピ: それが何で遺産の話に繋がるわけ?あ、遺産じゃないんだっけ……。
Hapi: What does that have to do with the Relic? Uh, the non-Relic, I mean.
エーデルガルト: どうやら男爵は、取り引きを持ちかけられていたようなの。
Edelgard: Word has it that Baron Ochs received a proposition.
His daughter's safe return, in exchange for a Hero's Relic.
バルタザール: なるほど……ようやく話が繋がったぜ。英雄の遺産を欲した誰かが発端なわけだ。
Balthus: Of course. This whole mess happened because somebody wanted to get their mitts on a Relic.
黒鷲 EP.11のみ
バルタザール: あるいはクロニエやソロンのような連中自体が、黒幕なのかもしれねえ。
エーデルガルト: ええ、ただ……オックス男爵からはそれ以上、辿れなかった。
Edelgard: It's possible. But we weren't able to get anything out of Baron Ochs.
The head of that house died years ago, and the whole family has been a mess ever since.
We have no choice but to find another source for that information.
全ルート EP共通
ハピ: そういえば、バルトはその武器、故郷に返すの? 情報が洩れちゃってるじゃん?
Hapi: Are you sure you want to return this thing to your village? People might come looking for it.
バルタザール: 良いところを突くな。それについては、実は母さんから手紙が来ててな。
Balthus: Good point. I actually got a letter from my mom on the subject.
She suggested it would be safer in Garreg Mach. She also said my Crest should allow me to use it...
She's entrusting it to me...which is a bad idea, so I'm entrusting it to you, Professor.
Byleth: 自分に? Are you sure?
バルタザール: おれが使うにしろ何にしろ、お前に管理を任せときゃ間違いねえと思ってよ。
Balthus: Positive. You'll know what to do with it. Give it to me or someone else, whatever you think.
ハピ: 呆れた。大事な秘宝じゃなかったわけ?
Hapi: Um, B... That's a priceless artifact.
バルタザール: それだけ信頼してるってこった!頼んだぜ、はっはっはっは!
Balthus: Sure is. Lose it and you'll owe me, heh!